Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"Blade Runner 2049" | TRAILER TALK

Upon going over the posts on the rest of this site, I noticed that I hardly talk about trailers. I mean, sure, I talk about them with my friends and siblings, but I've never really talked about any of them in detail on here. I've felt like doing so, but there hasn't really been a trailer that interested me enough to dedicate a post on my website to it, until now. So, enough chit-chat, let's talk about it.

Before we get into this, I just wanna say that I love the original Blade Runner. I went into it knowing hardly a thing about it and I was blown away by the sheer scope of everything. The world-building was amazing, and the focus on mystery and philosophical questions as opposed to explosions and action sequences, as well as the frankly amazing score by Vangelis, were all fantastic. I could see the influence it had on lots of other great pieces of science-fiction to follow, and realizing that just made me respect the film so much more.

When I heard they were making a sequel to it, I was kinda unsure as to how it might turn out. So, I went and did some research and I was actually pleasantly surprised with the project the producers were putting together. They got Denis Villeneuve (Sicario and Arrival) to direct, the legendary Roger Deakins behind the camera, and Johan Johansson to succeed Vangelis, and they have a cast of very good, yet very underrated, actors. Unlike a lot of other reboot-sequels that are coming out in the next couple of years, Blade Runner 2049 seemed as if it was being taken seriously and treated with the respect it so greatly deserves.

And it really shows in this trailer.

The first couple of shots in the trailer look and feel like classic Blade Runner. The next thing we hear is someone saying "Every civilization was built off the back of a disposable workforce." After that we're given a brief introduction to Jared Leto's character, who says something really interesting. As soon as the person - I'm assuming it's a replicant - slips out of that giant condom-slash-hotdog case thing, Leto says, "But I can only make so many."

At that second, I was hooked. I said to myself, "Yup, alright. This is happening."

Yup, this is really happening.

I cannot state enough just how gorgeous this movie looks based on the two previews we have. A lot of the shots in the trailer look as if they were taken straight out of the original, and a lot of the other shots are equally gorgeous and modern in their own unique ways. Based on the shots alone, you can really tell just how much love and respect Villeneuve and Deakins have for the original movie, and I just love seeing that.

Another thing I really just love about this trailer is that it hardly shows you anything as far as the plot is concerned. You get a bunch of really great visuals, interesting tidbits of dialogue, and some really, really kick-ass music. If I had a gun pointed to my head and the kidnapper was yelling at my face, "Tell me what Blade Runner 2049 is about!" I'd probably just ask him to shoot me because I literally do not know.

I do know this handsome son of a gun's in it. That's for sure.

I honestly love how vague the trailer is, in an age where trailers are so susceptible to giving away major plot points (Spiderman: Homecoming, cough cough). With this trailer, you can just tell that there are a lot of surprises just waiting, and I can't wait to find out what they are.

However, for me, the most interesting part of the trailer was towards the end, when that one lady tells Ryan Gosling that he's special, and that there's another page left in his story. That got me thinking, "Holy shit, is Ryan Gosling a replicant? Am I a replicant?!" There's a lot of speculation to be had with this trailer, and I love it for that.

It's a mystery.

Overall, we have ourselves a pretty awesome trailer for what, hopefully, turns out to be an even more awesome movie. Everything looks set for Blade Runner 2049 to be great, and I'll be rooting for it, and definitely watching it when it comes out later this year. But, more importantly, I wanna know what you guys thought of the Blade Runner 2049 trailer. Leave a comment below, I'm super interested to hear your thoughts. As always, this has been Rafa. Stay classy.

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