Saturday, August 6, 2016

"Finding Dory" | MOVIE REVIEW

I think we can all agree that Pixar has finally redeemed themselves after giving us Cars 2. Agreed? Agreed.

After, what was it, like 13 years, Pixar finally gives us the sequel to Finding Nemo in Finding Dory and it stars Ellen Degeneres as Dory. I'm not gonna lie - initially, I thought this idea wasn't gonna work, and that it was gonna be very so-so. And I was wrong; I actually really liked this movie.

Personally, watching this movie was perhaps the best cinema experience - or one of them - I've had this year. I mean, there aren't many things about watching a movie better than watching a good movie with a cute girl (there's your shout-out, Dani).

Finding Dory had a lot going for it, as well. First of all, this movie was just overflowing with cuteness, and it managed that really well. Like I mentioned in my Zootopia review, I'm personally not a huge fan of when movies bank on the cuteness of its characters and make that the only reason you should see the movie. Finding Dory never beats you over the head with how cute the characters are, and that was refreshing to see.

Second of all, the animation in this movie is just gorgeous. Seriously, it looked amazing. It was crisp and it felt so lifelike, even though it clearly wasn't filmed in the open ocean.

As usual, the voice-acting was pretty much what we've come to expect from a Pixar movie. It was funny, emotional, full of heart, and pretty much brilliant from start to finish. Ed O'Neill was great in the movie, and so was Ty Burrell. Ty Burrell was actually my favorite character in the movie. There are also a couple of voice actors in the movie who I'd prefer to keep a surprise, but they were great in the movie as well.

This movie was also really funny, and, while a lot of the jokes involved the characters being in a panic, it never crosses the line into being obnoxiously loud for the sake of being loud. The jokes were silly, but hardly ever dumb or too stupid, and I loved that.

I think the only gripe I have about the movie was that the ending was kinda over the top, but when you're watching a movie about talking fish, I don't think that's something you can actually complain about.

Overall, this movie was great: it was funny, it was heartfelt, and had that right balance of laughs and feels that we've come to expect from a Pixar movie. And I will say that Finding Dory is definitely worth a Darth Vader thumbs-up.

So, those were my thoughts on Finding Dory. Have you seen it? Let me know what you thought about it. As always, this has been Rafa - stay classy.

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