Saturday, February 27, 2016

"Gods of Egypt" | MOVIE REVIEW

Wait, no. Something's not right. I'll just fix that.

There we go!

"Zootopia" | MOVIE REVIEW

Personally, I haven't been impressed by any Disney animation since Wreck-It Ralph. That's not to say any of the movies that came out in that after Wreck-It Ralph was bad - it was just that nothing was hitting the bar for me. And now, Disney's put out another animated feature to try to maintain their current good run of form, and that is Zootopia. Is it good?

No, it isn't.

It's f***ing great, that's what it is.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

STAR WARS: The Hunt Begins - Chapter I

HEY, GUYS! What's good? Today, I'm gonna be sharing something very special with all of you, my beloved fans, and it's got something to do with Star Wars because I'm a devoted fan.

So, ever since I saw The Force Awakens, I started writing this little story with some new characters and using my understanding of some of the other factions in the movie. Ultimately, it takes place in the same world and the story will undergo some changes as the new trilogy goes on, but, for now, this is what we're gonna work with, 'cause I'm devoted that way.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"Deadpool" | MOVIE REVIEW

I don't think anyone thought they would ever lived to see the day a Marvel movie would be given a hard R-rating, but here we are. We have Deadpool - or, as I like to call it, Proper Movie Marketing 101. Now let's dive into it!

So, Deadpool was directed by Tim Miller and stars Ryan Reynolds as the merc with a mouth. And, to get things out of the way, this movie is not a superhero movie. But, wait, Rafa - this is a Marvel movie! Yes, it is, but if you're the least bit familiar with the comics, you'd know that Deadpool is, by all means, an anti-hero.

Friday, February 12, 2016

"Metroid: The Sky Calls" | MOVIE REVIEW

It isn't very often that you come across a cinematic gem on YouTube, but, believe me, they're out there. A lot of these happen to be fan-made adaptations of video games or old TV shows, and what makes these really cool is the fat they're all fan-made. You can feel the passion and the effort they put into these movies, and it's always nice to see.

Such is the case of Metroid: The Sky Calls, a short film directed by Sam Balcomb and based on the Metroid video games. And, like a lot of the really cool fan films on YouTube, it's very apparent that the director and the production team put a lot of effort into this film and were very passionate about making this film. So, props to them for that.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

"The Revenant" | MOVIE REVIEW

Just a side note before I get into this review - this movie is rated R-16 where I'm from (which means you can't watch it if you aren't 16 or older), and the security guard at the auditorium asked how old I was. It made me feel young again, which was nice. Now, to the review!

So, The Revenant is a Western(ish) survival film directed by Alejandro Gonzales Iñarríttu and stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, and Domhnall Gleeson and is one of the most intense cinematic experiences I can say I've ever had. I mean, when you watch someone get mauled by a 700-plus pound Grizzly bear, you'd want that person to live.

Underneath that fluffy and cuddly exterior is a monster waiting to kill you.