Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"Ghostbusters" | MOVIE REVIEW

Hahahahaha ha... ha... ha... Oh, boy.

Paul Feig and friends present...

So, Ghosbusters was directed by Paul Feig and stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon and is a full-on reboot of the Ghostbusters franchise. Now, this movie has been neck deep in controversy ever since it was announced and the folks behind this movie just rode on that bandwagon an labeled everyone who wasn't planning on seeing this movie a misogynist.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

"Central Intelligence" | MOVIE REVIEW

I know what you're all asking, and I'mma set things straight: this is better than Cop Out.

Central Intelligence is a buddy-cop (sorta) movie starring Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson, but it's really more of a Kevin Hart movie than it is the Hart-and-Johnson movie the marketing campaign made it out to be. And, based on the marketing campaign, I expected this movie to do one of two things: entertain me or irritate me. To no one's surprise, it did both.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"X-Men: Apocalypse" | MOVIE REVIEW

Everything Brett Ratnor built fell and, from the ashes of that world, Bryan Singer built a better one.

X-Men: Apocalypse is the most recent installment in the new X-Men saga, and is the fourth X-Men movie directed by Bryan Singer. So, basically, what happens in this movie is sort-of a fast forward from the events that took place in Days of Future Past. But, for the most part, you don't really feel as if the movies are connected.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Let's talk about the new "Ghostbusters" | THOUGHT TRAIN

I didn't wanna have to talk about this until I saw the movie, but with all the articles and newsbits and TV spots that've been popping up everywhere lately, I feel like something needs to be addressed. So, here it goes...

I hate the campaign behind this movie.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

STAR WARS: The Hunt Begins - Chapter II

Hey, guys! I finally got around to posting the second chapter in my Star Wars story and I'm super-stoked to share it all with you, my adoring public.

And, like I mentioned in my the previous chapter of my story, this is my own work and does contain minor spoilers for Star Wars: the Force Awakens. So, if you haven't seen that yet (really?), you might wanna avoid this for now. And this is also subject to change when the other movies in the new trilogy come out. So, stay tuned.

Now that all that's out of the way, I now present to you...


Saturday, July 2, 2016

"Warcraft" | MOVIE REVIEW

Mainstream critics have been s***ting on this movie, but is it actually as bad as everyone says it is?

Warcraft was directed by Duncan Jones (the director of Moon and Source Code – which are movies I still have oddly not seen) and is the film adaptation of the very first Warcraft game, Warcraft I: Humans and Orcs. That being said, this is technically a video game movie, and video game movies don’t exactly have a history of being well-received by critics. I haven’t enjoyed too many of them, myself, with Prince of Persia being the only notable exception. So, how does the Warcraft movie hold up?

"Captain America: Civil War" | MOVIE REVIEW

Better a couple of months late than never, right?

So, Captain America: Civil War is the second Captain America movie directed by the Russo brothers and stars, well, the Avengers (minus Thor and the Hulk). If you've seen the trailers, then you'll know what this movie is about (actually, it's sort-of like general knowledge at this point to know the basic premise of this movie). That being said, I think this is Marvel's best movie since the first Avengers.