Sunday, July 3, 2016

STAR WARS: The Hunt Begins - Chapter II

Hey, guys! I finally got around to posting the second chapter in my Star Wars story and I'm super-stoked to share it all with you, my adoring public.

And, like I mentioned in my the previous chapter of my story, this is my own work and does contain minor spoilers for Star Wars: the Force Awakens. So, if you haven't seen that yet (really?), you might wanna avoid this for now. And this is also subject to change when the other movies in the new trilogy come out. So, stay tuned.

Now that all that's out of the way, I now present to you...


The reception to Zelo's arrival was somewhat more hostile than the Knight had anticipated. The Gungans didn't take lightly to the First Order's presence, and that was made clear when they greeted the troop with electric spears and angry Kaadu. "Youssa, over there," barked one of them.

Zelo assumed him to be their commanding officer. "What youssa wantin' from us?" the Gungan continued.

"I wish to speak to your leader," Zelo stated calmly.

"And why bein' that the case?" the Gungan replied, dismounting his Kaadu and walking over to where Zelo and his company were standing.

"Let's just say it will be within the best interests of your people," the Knight said.

Zelo soon found that the Gungan was standing much closer to him than he would have liked. The Gungan looked old, but was a nonetheless threatening presence. "If you cared for your people, general," Zelo breathed, "I suggest you comply."

He raised his right hand and held it in front of him. He cupped his fingers and let them twitch. The Gungan simply glanced at his hand, then returned his glance to Zelo's face - he had seen this trick before. Zelo redirected his hand further right, and tightened his grip on the air. The soldier beside the old Gungan dropped his spear and clutched at his chest. He wheezed and teetered back and forth. He started to scream in a hoarse voice as Zelo tightened his grip. "So, what will it be, general?" Zelo asked again.

The soldier's eyes began to burn red, and his stalks started to shrivel. Zelo tightened his focus, this time, freezing the other soldiers in place. The old Gungan was effectively outnumbered. "Captain Tarpals," the other soldiers in the troop cried out, "you gots ta' be doin' something!"

The soldier let out one agonizing scream as Zelo's force-grip on his heart grew even tighter. "Enough!" Captain Tarpals  finally shouted.

Zelo released his grip as the Gungan soldier collapsed to the floor, showing no signs of life. "This way," Tarpals continued, "the rest of you, stayen' your ground."

"Now that wasn't so hard now, wasn't it?" Zelo asked, a hint of sadistic enjoyment in his voice.

"The Senate will bein' the hearin' about this," Tarpals warned firmly.

"No, they will not," Zelo said with a flick of his wrist, staring intensely into the old Gungan's eyes.

"The Senate will not bein' the hearin' about this," Tarpals stated instead.

"Good," the Knight said.

Tarpals led them to the chambers of the Boss, the rest of Zelo's company following suit. There was an air of unease about Zelo and his troops. It was as if every single Gungan in the city wanted to kill him - and that, they probably did. Still, it wasn't anything Zelo couldn't handle. After some amount of walking, they soon arrived at the Boss' chamber. Tarpals had not said a word to anyone since having been humiliated in front of his troops and his people. "Boss Nass," Tarpals barked, "thesen First Order peoples are in the need to bein' speakin' to youssa!"

The Great Gungan had shrivelled up a great deal since Naboo's annexation at the hands of the Empire. The once-proud leader of the Gungans now moreso resembled a large green raisin. "What do youssa be wantin' from us?" he hissed with intermittent coughs and hacks, "Weessa never wanted no part of thissen First Order!"

Zelo stood his ground. "Speak!" the Boss yelled.

"In this city, you are hiding a fugitive," Zelo stated firmly, "someone we are looking for - a traitor to our Order. You are to tell us where he is, as well as pledge your allegiance to the First Order."

"Weessa knowin' nuttin' about no fugitive," Boss Nass denied, his jowls wiggling as he shook his head.

"Jin Haasens," Zelo Ren growled, "don't try to hide him from me. I felt his presence here."

"Youssa a-"

"Where is he?"

"Meessa tellin' you, heessa not here!"

Zelo pushed at the air and slammed the Boss' head against the back of his throne with a mighty thud, and raised his other hand and froze the rest of the Gungans in the room in place. Quietly, he approached the concussed leader, the Knight's hands still firmly outstretched.

"Is that so?" Zelo asked as he stopped right in front of the Boss' throne.

"Meessa tellin' youssa nuttin'!"

"We shall see." The Knight slowly clenched his fist, feeling the air as if looking for something to violently pull out. "How about now?"

The Boss was shaking violently in his throne, feeling the force of Zelo's presence - as well as a vice-like grip on his brain. He tried to scream for help, but nothing was coming out of his mouth. Zelo, on the other hand, remained calm, and in a state of sadistic curiosity. His interrogation, however, was soon to be interrupted.

He turned around and raised his hand at an incoming blaster round. "Take cover, lieutenant," Zelo said, "we have company."

He walked down the stairs and snapped his fingers, releasing the Boss and his company from their state of immobility - then he released the blaster bolt.

"Sir," the Lieutenant said, dodging some loose sparks as he fired from behind an upturned council chair, "the Boss is dead. How are we going to find the fugitive now?"

"Put your worrying aside, Lieutenant," Zelo hushed, stopping a blaster bolt in mid-air and pushing it back to the insurgent who had fired it, "we'll find him soon."

He pulled his lightsaber out from his belt. "I know where he is."

With the flick of his wrist, the sinister blade came to life. There was hardly any difference between Zelo's lightsaber and Kylo's - except that Zelo's seemed more crudely built than his superior's. The wicked ruby beam sputtered and crackled, seemingly laughing maniacally at the thought of what it would be slashing through next.

Around him, the troopers had taken shelter behind large chunks of debris from what looked to be a detonator explosion that had happened earlier. Only a few shots came from their side, but whatever shots were made did land. In the hallway in front of him, Zelo counted three dead bodies - two Gungans and a Sullustan.

The Knight slowly walked over and out of the Boss' chamber, stopping blaster rounds and sending them back to where they came from. He scanned the attacking contingent, as if picking out his next meal. Within seconds, he had found the perfect specimen.

He raised his left hand and pointed it to an advancing plasma shield. "Dismantle your enemy," the Knight remembered what Snoke had taught him, "show them the Dark Side."
 * * * * * * *

And that was the second chapter in my story. If you wanna check out the first chapter, you can click right here. And, as always, this has been Rafa.

Stay classy.


I am in no way affiliated with Disney or Lucasfilm. This is simply a fan-written story, and I'm making no money out of this or the property in general. 

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