Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"X-Men: Apocalypse" | MOVIE REVIEW

Everything Brett Ratnor built fell and, from the ashes of that world, Bryan Singer built a better one.

X-Men: Apocalypse is the most recent installment in the new X-Men saga, and is the fourth X-Men movie directed by Bryan Singer. So, basically, what happens in this movie is sort-of a fast forward from the events that took place in Days of Future Past. But, for the most part, you don't really feel as if the movies are connected.

As to whether or not that is a problem, it's up to you. Personally, I found this movie pretty cool, despite not being as good as First Class and Days of Future Past. Now that that's out of the way, let's start with what I liked.

First of all, I really liked the new mutants they had in this movie. Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Psylocke, Storm; I thought they were all really good. And, among all of them, I thought Sophie Turner as Jean Grey was the best performance out of all of them, and not just because she was hot.

I mean, seriously though, Sophie Turner is really hot.

And I thought Apocalypse himself was pretty badass, although personally, I would've appreciated it if they made him a bit taller. You could tell he had the power to just crush the world if he wanted to, and he was just a powerful presence on-screen.

But the one who really stole the show in this movie was Michael Fassbender. Magneto was really f*cking awesome in this movie; he kills it here. There's no other way around it. He's jut awesome.

The action was gritty, it was grounded, and the writing had just the right balance between light and heavy tones, which I appreciated.

However, like I said, this movie is the weakest in the new series, and for a couple of reasons - and most of these reasons have to do with narrative and execution.

As badass as Apocalypse was, his horsemen didn't quite live up to the standards you'd expect the lord of all mutants to have. I understood why he needed to have Magneto and Storm with him all the time, but Psylocke and Angel felt like a bit underutilized as characters, and, at some points, felt a bit like fanservice. And, with the way Angel was used in the context of the movie, he didn't quite feel like the kind of guy Apocalypse would want to have by his side.

And I felt Apocalypse was pretty underutilized as well (by that, I mean that Magneto did a lot more of the dirty work), but that's just me.

Also, I'm just really tired of Jennifer Lawrence at this point.

But, all-in-all, X-Men: Apocalypse was a fun movie and I had fun with it. If you're an X-Men fan, I think you'll have fun with this, too. It's definitely deserving of a Darth Vader thumbs-up.

So, those are my thoughts on X-Men: Apocalypse. Have you seen it? Let me know what you think about it. And, as always, this has been Rafa – and stay classy.

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